Initial RMA Testing Processes
There are several testing processes run on every device when it is received for repair to our facility. We use a series of targeted programs to run these various tests. Some of the tests we run outside of the operating system (“OS”) and some are run within the operating system.
Tests run outside the OS via Parted Magic:
- This test goes through different tasks that the RAM is supposed to perform during normal operation and tests them more rigorously
- A SMART test is performed on the storage drives, testing its read/write capabilities and also logs the drive’s temperatures to identify if it has overheated at all
Tests run within the OS include:
- This test reads more deeply into the drive. It shows how many reads/writes have ever been performed and the percentage of both remaining in its expected lifespan
- While it is more in depth, it leaves out things that the SMART test does not
- This tests the CPU, GPU, drive, and RAM. It runs component-specific tests to show performance metrics, which are compared to a baseline Simply NUC has created